"First principles is a physics way of looking at the world. You kinda boil things down to the most fundamental truths. And say, okay, what are we sure is true? And then reason up from there. "

- Elon Musk

"First principles is a physics way of looking at the world. You kinda boil things down to the most fundamental truths. And say, okay, what are we sure is true? And then reason up from there. "

- Elon Musk

Nobody quite knows how privelaged we are to exist in this moment. We are in the midst of one of the greatest technological paradigm shifts in humanity's history.

& with each new technology comes new methods of interacting with computers. New methods which have yet to be discovered.

Decades from now, after you've retired, what will you have accomplished? Some engineers are fine climbing the corporate ladder & being compensated well for mediocre work.

While others, who have grand ambitions, will have changed the world.

For those of you with grand ambitions, this idea is for you. The rest can leave.

Humanity is at the beginning of the biggest inflection point since the iPhone launched in 2008. You're lucky to exist in this moment, they don't come often.

With each major inflection point, comes new technology, which allows us to create fundamentally new products.

Touchscreen displays & smaller processors allowed Steve Jobs to create the iPhone, which was so fundamentally different from everything that came before it that they couldn't just build upon current interfaces. They had to create completely new ones that took advantage of the new technology.

Today, we stand in a moment just as transformative. Artificial Intelligence is allowing us to create fundamentally new interfaces & do work that the world has never seen.

People have been so caught up in solving the problems the old paradigm presents, that they completely forgot they can avoid them.

Solutions that are fundamentally different from everything that's come before it. But it's in a human's nature to resist change.

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will & the idea of failing or getting fired keeps most managers shackled to the old ways of doing things.

* prisoner dilemma from my dinner with andre

In every major inflection point, there a few heroes, like Steve Jobs, that take those chances & change the course of history.

Named after Elon Musk's unique way of thinking, First Principle is a research lab dedicated designing & engineering digital interfaces from "first principles" for our clients.

Essentially, we're picking up where Steve Jobs left off. We're designing & buildiong the future of digital interfaces.

The agencies that exist today make hundreds of millions of dollars creating some of the most stale & corporate designs the world has ever seen.

Legacy corporations cannot stop talking about AI. The mere mention inflates their stock price. They love it.

But non technical corporations lack the imagination,  intelligence & talent to actually build this technology. They'd be willing to pay us millions to do it for them.

But they lack the imagination,  intelligence & talent to actually build this technology. They'd be willing to pay us millions to do it for them.

If companies are willing to pay millions of dollars for consultants like McKinsey to come in & give them suggestions.

They'd be willing to pay us just as much to come in, give them suggestions & actually execute on those solutions.

First Principles offers all of it's already developed technology to it's clients for free, including gensis, astra & arc.

*case studies

Great work is expensive so  First Principle isn't cheap. We offer our services at a monthly subscription fee of $10,000 for unlimited design, engineering & research requests.

You use our online interface to describe the feature you want, then our team will design, prototype, then implement the feature.

This is not for people looking to make quick money. This is for those looking to who have the repulsive need to be more than human. to be exceptional. To be great & do great work.

There's a massive hole in the market for fundamentally new & creative designs that needs to be occupied & we'll be the ones to do it.

$14.6bn Valuation
Bell Canada
Increased profits
1hr -> 10m
Time spent
creating contracts
5k -> 4k
# of employees
11m -> 2m
Support ticket resolution time

These fundamentally new designs require fundamentally new technology to be created.

At the core of First Principle, is a system of models codenamed "10x" that aims to automate most of the engineering process which allows us to create products 10x faster for 1/10th the cost.

If you're looking to work on deep tech with incredibly talented people & make millions while doing it, then reach out.

In this moment, society hasn't taught us what to like or what's cool & what's good & what isn't. We can reclaim that childlike wonder. No preconcieved notions exist. We invent the future. We invent culture. We invent what's cool & what's not.

At 17, my startup made $263,000 in a month & I dropped out of high school. Since, I've worked at a number of VC backed startups on incredibly hard design, growth & sales projects.

You'll be handling engineering along with the other smartest people I could find.

Deepseek has proven that when the paradigm changes, it doesn't matter how much money you have or what college you went to..

This is how we find & hire geniuses. First Principle is taking chances on people with raw talent & evidence of extraordinary ability. Whether or not they've gone to a prestigious college or padded their resume. We're hiring people that Google or Apple or Meta normally wouldn't touch.

Steve Jobs didn't go to a prestigious college & Albert Einstein went to some school you've never heard of.

Right now, we're recruiting more part-time engineering co-founders. If this sounds interesting, all I'm asking is that you schedule a call & hear the full vision.

I'm available every day from 8:00am to 4:00am (pst).